Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Finding Prospects by Tim Sales

Prospects are basically the foundation of any business

as they are the “potential” customers to the business.

So just how do YOU find prospects?

Let’s start out with a definition of the word promote which is the most important word in finding prospects. The word promote means: to make known.

I was recently helping a person in my downline with her business, which was not growing. As I asked various questions I finally found the “nasty bug” that was stopping her business from moving forward. She didn’t want to come off as being or sounding sales-y. This stopped her from promoting.

How does everyone else promote?

A politician promotes how he/she can make a whole community’s life better – so he’s/she’s making herself known to the public by promoting and making known to as many people as possible what he/she can do for them. If you’ve noticed, politicians promote on TV, radio, signs stuck in the grass or on telephone poles along a busy street or maybe speaking at various group meetings.

A college promotes what courses it offers. It might promote on radio, might promote to high schools or through sporting events. A stockbroker promotes that he can help his/her prospect make money. A local restaurant will promote via radio, or mailing brochures or discount coupons.

The worst thing you can ever do in your business career is to think, ponder, worry or even get the idea that it’s unprofessional to promote!

You really need to know and understand promotion. The only way you can have prospects, therefore customers or distributors – is to promote. The only way for you to make money in network marketing is to promote. You can write down your dreams and goals and study them every night. But you’re as effective as a billboard in the middle of the desert. No one knows you exist until you make yourself known. So if you ever find yourself where your business isn’t growing or you don’t have enough prospects, enough customers, or enough distributors – what do you do? Promote!

Why do you promote?

The reason you promote is to create desire for your product. How would you know that someone desires your product or business? Well certainly if you sent a post card and someone called the number – that’s someone showing desire.

Even if a person called and asks, “How much is this?” It would still be someone showing desire – or at least slight interest. If you called a friend and asked them t o look at something and they said, “Send it to me.” That’s showing a desire. People sometimes refer to desire as “responses,” as in, someone responded to my promotion.

Different types of promotion

So now let’s talk about different types of promotion that create desire. You could promote in:

  • The Help Wanted, the Sales & Marketing or the Business Opportunity sections of a newspaper,
  • Advertising section of magazines,
  • Direct mail, such as sending out post cards to everyone in your zip code,
  • Door hangers,
  • Email, banner ads on the internet,
  • Networking. I’m sure you could have guessed that I would name that one.

But you would be surprised at how many people when mentioning all the ways to promote, miss that one. In fact, if you use traditional promotion with the mindset of just finding a network of people to work – you will fare far better than most who only measure their responses with how many people respond to their advertisement. You can turn one response from a promotion into thousands if you properly network. One other place to find prospects is to promote to leads you purchase from a lead company. The advantage of this is you’re only paying for those who’ve responded and you’re not paying for all the people who didn’t respond. If I send out 10,000 post cards and get 20 responses, then I paid for 9,980 post cards that didn’t get a response.

The advantage of writing your own ads of course is being able to target your specific audience with your specific product or opportunity message. Which is VERY important and should not be underestimated. In contrast, when you buy leads, you’re buying general ads - perhaps people who’ve responded to wanting a home based business. The other down side to buying leads is that very often, lead companies resell their leads to more than just you – so you’ve got extra competition to deal with.

Three broad ways to promote

Now, it probably sounded like I just contradicted myself; I didn’t. I just saved you years of running in circles trying to figure the advantages and the disadvantages to generating your own leads or buying leads. This is the game. You must promote. There are three broad ways to promote.

1) Networking- which costs the least - you’re going to have costs of meals with prospects – costs of joining clubs and associations. So I have rock climbing club fees, I have mountain climbing association fees, horseback riding fees, mountain biking fees– these are like $50 - $100 dollars a year.

2) Buying leads is more expensive than networking, less expensive than generating your own - but has some advantages and disadvantages. Sometimes you get some hot leads – sometimes, you swear you’re calling a graveyard.

3) Generating your own. Most expensive, but has the advantages of targeting your prospects. Here’s a list of advertisements that I’ve run:

  • Some people earn Ten thousand dollars a year. And some people earn One million in the same year. Click here to see difference.
  • Need more money; NOW!
  • Does it ever break your heart to leave your kids at daycare?
  • Looking for a FUN business?
  • Go to the golf course when it's not crowded.
  • The truth about making money. A lot of it.
  • WEALTH FORMULA. Click here (banner ads)
  • Wealth formula that takes a lot of effort - but retires you in 4 years.
  • Extremely well paying position available to right person.
  • Must have sales & marketing experience. Sales training a big plus.
  • Immediate Need for Effective Sales Person. Unlimited earning and growth potential. Self-starter, sales writing skills and team player will be keys to success in this growing, high tech organization. Will be responsible for generating sales leads, preparing and giving presentations on company products and training sales team for High Tech, or Health> development company. Great benefits. Great FUN TEAM! Fax resume to:

Be “in” business

The bottom line is you must be using at least one of these three methods. If you’re not, you’re not in business – you’re out of business. What you should be doing, if you see the big picture and want the very big income is you need to be doing all three. All the time. Ideally you start out by networking, which will create enough money to buy leads, then you’ll generate enough money from the leads you purchased to generate your own leads. My point is, as soon as you start making any money, reinvest it in promotion.

One other thought, don’t measure your success by just your immediate responses. Any marketer who is of any value knows that how you measure return on promotion investment is based on the “life of the customer.” NOT immediate return. Get one leader from a MONTH or 6-MONTHS of promotion and it can pay you for the rest of your life. People often ask me, how much money did you make your first year in network marketing– I tell them, “I don’t know, I’m still earning it.”

Much respect and admiration,

Tim Sales

If My Product’s So Great How Come I Can’t Sell It?

Based on a book by Kim Klaver

The following is a very brief “Cliff’s Notes” summary of the book If My Product’s So Great How Come I Can’t Sell It? Sections of the summary have been paraphrased to hit on key points. This is not meant to be a substitute for the book, but rather a study guide. Kim Klaver goes into much more detail and provides a number of examples in her book and the 3 Scripts class that the book is based on.

Here's PART 3:

When Someone Says Yes – Scripts 1, 2 and 3 (page 129):

What you say after being asked 1) what is it, 2) will it work for me, or 3) how much is it, will tell the person whether you’re an advisor they can trust or whether you’re just another seller.

1) What is it? Briefly describe the nature o the product then mention the product name, not the company name.
• It’s a powder that you mix with water or juice to make a shake…
• It’s a capsule that you take twice a day…
• It’s a cream that you put on your face…
• It’s a crunchy bar…
• It’s a whole family of products - a cleanser, a moisturizer and a …

Script 1: “What is it?”
It’s (a short phrase or sentence describing the product).
Optional: It’s called (name of product). Have you heard of it?

What you say next will depend on what the consumer says. They might say:
“No I haven’t heard of it. How much does it cost? OR,
“No, I’ve never heard of it. Hmmm…” OR,
“No. Do you think it will work for my 76 year old aunt?”

2) Will it work for me? Will it work for Uncle X? Will it work for problem X? (Page 132)

This script has two parts – 2a, the disclaimer, and 2b, the rapport builder. 2a - You know only that the product has worked for you, so that’s all you say. No promises. No hype.

Script 2a: Disclaimer
“I don’t know if this will work for you or not, but what if it does? What if it works for you the way it did for me? Would you like to try it then?”

2b has two options depending on whether you lead with your long First Date Script (FDS) or with the short version. Mentally cross over from your side of the booth and slide right in next to them on their side. Speak in a friendly tone, like you are confiding.
If you led with your full FDS, pick one of the two options below, depending on why you got into the business. If you got into the business because you fell in love with the product when you first tried it or heard about it, say:

Script 2b-1: Product Motive (For after Long First Date Script)
“Let me tell you what happened to me. I liked the product so much I decided to go into business for myself and make it available to other people like me. So they can try it too. And that’s what I’m doing. So, what do you think? Would you like to try this out and see if it works for you (the way it did for me)?”

If you got into the business not because you experienced any great effects from the products, but because you were looking for a business to get involved in, then you’d use the following script instead:

Script 2b-2: Business Motive (For after Long First Date Script)
“Let me tell you what happened to me. I’d been looking to represent a company that had a product I could really get behind. I found it in this one, so that’s what I’m doing. So what do you think? Would you like to try it and see if it works for you (the way it did for me)?”

If you used the Short FDS, and the person asks “Will it work for me?” this is your chance to slide in your personal zingers and results. Script 2C shows how you’d do this:

Script 2c: Personal Zingers (For after Short First Date Script)
“Let me tell you what happened to me. Before I heard about this product I used to be someone who … (your personal zingers, the things you tried, and your results from your FDS). In fact,
Option 1) I liked the product so much I decided to go into business for myself and make it available to other people like me. So they can try it too.
Option 2) I’d been looking to represent a company that had a product I could really get behind, and I found it in this one.
And that’s what I’m doing. So, what do you think? Would you like to try this out and see if it works for you (the way it did for me)?”

Notice that you dropped the hint about the business in that last piece of the script. A HINT. That’s it. If they have even the slightest interest in doing the business they’ll catch the hint. If they’re curious, they’ll ask.

They will react to 2b in one of three ways. They will either:
a) Waffle or get pukey on you: If they do this, immediately say NO first. “This is probably not for you…”
b) Ask you for more information: Ask them how they’d like it – by email, website, conference call, snail mail, etc. Make a date to talk more another time, or to get more info to them IF you think they’re worth your time. Remember, many people don’t know how to say, “No, this is not for me.” So, they ask you to mail them information just to be nice and get you off the phone. If that happens, say:

Script 2d: More Info
“Ok I can send you some info and I’ll call you in a few days to see if there’s a match. Otherwise, if you’re not really interested it’s OK. We can save a tree and I won’t burst into tears, I promise.
So what would you like to do? Shall I send you some information and I’ll call you in a couple of days? OR do you want to save a tree?

c) Ask you how much it costs.

3) How much is it? (Page 140)
Remind yourself that you really are an advisor. If your product is right for them, they’ll buy at some point. If it’s not, at least you’ve done your job of letting them know about it. Prepare in advance what you will say so that when the moment comes, it will roll off your tongue. Your response to the question has four parts: 3a) Packages, 3b) What you did – how you started, 3c) Your surprise advice, 3d) Special pricing options

3a – Packages. Packages are different ways a consumer can get what you’re offering. For example, someone trying to lose weight can get the RESET kit OR a canister of shake mix and box of nutrition bars.

“It depends. Let me tell you how it comes.” The rest of what you say depends on whether you are marketing one product or a line of different products. You can offer the retail price or you might market the price break based on the preferred customer or autoship discount (Be sure to look at the USANA price list.)

Script 3a-1: Autoship Discount
“It depends. Let me tell you how it comes. One bottle is normally good for a month. They give you a 1-month supply for $___. If you get it once a month, you get a 30% discount off the retail price and each bottle is $___.

Optional Question:
Which one do you think might be good for you?

Script 3a-2: Package Pricing
“It depends. Let me tell you how it comes. They have a couple packages, depending on what you want. They have a deluxe package and a starter package.
** In the DELUXE package, you get Blah Blah Blah, and they give it to you for $ ___.
** In the STARTER package, you get Blah Blah, and they give it to you for $ ___.

Optional Question:
Which one do you think might be good for you?

Using “They have” instead of “We” or “I have” separates you from your company. This it CRITICAL to maintain your advisor role. The moment you say “I have x…” the customer is reminded that you are the seller, and may become more skeptical than they need to be.

Giving the retail or 1-month price allows you to offer them a deal – a lower price for the same thing depending on the quantity or number of items they order. Every consumer loves a deal. A customer’s perception of whether something is expensive or reasonable is relative.

3b – How You Started (Page 147). As they ponder options, you mentally cross over to their side of the booth and slide right in beside them. In a friendly, soft, and confidential tone, say this:

Script 3b: How I started
Let me tell you what I did. When I first got started, (Pick Option 1 or 2, whichever is true for you)
Option 1: I wasn’t sure about the products, you know, so I started with the smallest package. Then, when I saw how well it worked, I upgraded to the bigger one. (Describe your upgrade, e.g., “I also got the …”) or
Option 2: I loved everything I saw, and got the deluxe package right off. And I’ve never looked back.

3c – Your Surprise Advice (Page 148). Now, regardless of which option you picked, go ahead and surprise your prospect by offering them the smaller package. Propose this right after you tell what you did.

Script 3c: Advice
Maybe the starter package is the best one for you. Tell me how you would use the product and we can see if that’s the best option…

Ask advisor questions to gather information and help them decide on the best package based on their needs:
• How often will you be using it?
• Do you need a stronger dose?
• How long have you had this situation? How long have you felt like this? How long have you been concerned about that?
• How much weight are you looking to lose? What are your eating habits now?
• What kinds of things have you done about it so far? How did that work?
• What other kinds of problems would you like to deal with?

Remember – Before you answer any of their questions, ask yourself, “What would an advisor say now?” Then speak. Don’t sound like a seller!

3d – Special pricing options (Page 152). Let the customer know about the options: retail, wholesale/ preferred customer, autoship/preferred customer who gets the product every month or every other month.

Script 3d-1: Wholesale/Preferred Customer Price
Ok great. The price I gave you was retail. That’s what they give it to you for when you buy it one time off the website. They also have a wholesale option for preferred customers. I can help you place the order so you get a 20% discount off the retail price. You’ll also get access to an online website so you can change your order in the future if you want to…

Would you like to do that for the special price, or would you like to do retail?

If they are leaning towards a shorter commitment, you might say:
“Give yourself a minimum of three months on the product, to give it a chance to work.”

Script 3d-1: Autoship/Preferred Customer Price
Ok great. The price I gave you was retail. But you know how things are cheaper by the dozen right? Well this works like that.

You don’t have to buy a dozen at once, but you’ll still get the preferred customer price, which is 30% discount off the retail price. It’s $___ instead of $___. They let you get it each month or every other month for as long as you want. And they’ll ship it to you direct so you don’t have to do anything else. You’ll also get access to an online website so you can change your order in the future if you want to… That’s what I do too, to get the better price.

Would you like to do that for the special price, or would you like to do retail?

If they ask about a return policy, you can say, “Of course they let you return it if you aren’t 100% satisfied with it. There’s a 30 day money back guarantee.”

Now put it all together. Here is a sample conversation with a potential customer.

Sample Conversation (Page 157)

Prospect: So what do you do?
You: I market a product for people who work long hours and are so tired when they get home, they can’t do anything, like what happened to me.
Do you know anyone who might like to know about a product like that?

Prospect: Hmmm. Interesting. That sounds kind of like me. What is it?
You: It’s a vitamin you take twice a day. It’s called the Essentials. Have you heard of it?

Prospect: No. Hmmm…
You: Let me tell you what happened to me. I used to run a day care center for years. Before I heard about this product I used to be so tired when I got home at night that I would plop down on the couch. I couldn’t do anything else, like my gardening and making dinner. It got so bad that my husband started to complain that he was bored because I never had enough energy to go out and do anything with him.
Then after a month on this product, my energy started to come back. I could stay awake at the end of the day, and spend more time with my husband.

I liked the product so much I decided to go into business for myself and market it to other people like me. And that’s what I am doing. So, what do you think? Would you like to try it out and see if it works for you (the way it did for me)?

Prospect: How much does it cost?
You: It depends. Let me tell you how it comes. They have a couple of packages, depending on what you want. They have a deluxe package and a starter.
In the DELUXE package, you get the Essentials multivitamin, Proflavonol, Calcium, and an Antioxidant Booster, and they give it to you for $142.70 (retail price). In the STARTER package, you get the Essentials multivitamin, and they give it to you for $53.15.

Prospect: Hmmm. That sounds good. I wonder what I should do.
You: Let me tell you what I did. When I first got started, I wasn’t sure about the packages, you know, so I started with the smallest package. Then, when I saw how well it worked, I upgraded to the bigger one. Maybe the starter package is the best one for you. Tell me how you would use it and we can see if that’s the best option. Are you the only one who’s going to be using it? Or is your husband going to use it too? Do you take any calcium supplements now?

Prospect: It’s just me. So I’d like to get the starter package.
You: Ok great. The price I gave you was retail. But you know how things are cheaper by the dozen right? Well this works like that. You don’t have to buy a dozen at once, but you’ll still get the preferred customer price, which is 30% discount off the retail price. It’s $39.95 instead of $53.15. They let you get it each month or every other month for as long as you want. And they’ll ship it to you direct so you don’t have to do anything else. You’ll also get access to an online website so you can change your order in the future if you want. That’s what I do too, to get the better price.

So which one do you want to do? Do you want to be a preferred customer for $39.95 or do the retail for $53.15?

Prospect: I want to be a preferred customer.
You: Ok great. Where do you want them to ship the package? How do you want to pay for it?

There you go. I hope that with all three parts, you can be of good help to people you meet. And I hope you can now stop asking the question... If My Product’s So Great How Come I Can’t Sell It?

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Getting Customers

Potential Customers

According to the book “The Wellness Revolution” Paul Zane Pilzer explains that health is a huge trend. The industry is headed towards a trillion dollars by the year 2010. The health trend is fueled by the “Baby Boomers” that want to feel and look younger. There are about 1 billion baby boomers worldwide. They control 65% of all the money. So it is easy to identify people who need health. There are prospects all around us.

Examples of contacts:
  • Immediate Family
  • Relatives
  • Friends
  • Referrals
  • Neighbors
  • Co-workers
  • Service People (i.e. postman, mechanic, lawyer, realtor, teachers, tailor, etc)

Examples of events to find contacts:
  • Sporting events
  • Class reunions
  • Family reunions
  • Weddings
  • School functions
  • Clubs
  • Work functions

Look For:
  • People with health challenges – sick, cancer, asthma, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, allergies, heart disease, diabetic, etc
  • Health Conscious – Goes to gym a lot or likes to exercise
  • Have stressful lives – job stress or family stress
  • More energy – professionals, athletes, busy moms, etc

Marketing Ideas

  • Reaching out methods: Flyers, internet free classified ads, newspaper ads, booth
  • USANA events: Health seminar, home health party

*ACTION STEP -Write Out A Communication Plan:*

Step 1: Know what NOT TO say:

  • I have a product that can cure your cancer
  • I have a product that will allow you to get off your medication.
  • I have a product that can help get rid of all your aches.
  • I think you would love this.
  • You would do good on this product
  • Are you interested?
  • I want you to . . .
  • I want . . .
  • You should . . .
  • You need . . .
  • What if I told you . . .

Step 2: Know what TO say:

  • I’m looking for people that are concerned with their health
  • It may or may not work for you.
  • This could improve...
  • You might want to . . .
  • You might benefit from . . .
  • I thought you might want to know . . .
  • Is there any reason you would want. . .
  • I don’t suppose you’d . . .
  • What if you knew. . .
  • Maybe you should hear from some others who have had success with the products

Step 3: Write an opening

Now that you know what to say and not say, take the phrases from Step 2 that sound most like something you would say and the phrases that make the most sense in inviting EACH person. You may come up with different opening phrases for different people.

Step 4: Incorporate the Qualify [need, want, don’t want], if possible into the script.

Step 5: Create a concluding question that generates a response to your invite. You can use more the phrases in Step 2.


It may or may not be for you, but I am promoting a product that is helping people get more energy throughout the day. I thought you would want to know how it can help you get more energy while you are working all those hours.
Step 6: Add Proven Invite/Close To Action Script To Your Script:

Associate: “Let me get you some information that can show you how you can [have more energy throughout the day]. When would be a good time to meet up so that I can get you that information?

Prospect: “Tomorrow night at 8”

Step 7: Write out your completed script:

Associate: It may or may not be for you, but I am promoting a product that is helping people get more energy throughout the day I thought you would want to know how it can help you get more energy while you are working all those hours.

I have some information that can show you how you can get [more energy]. When would be a good time to meet up so I can show it to you?

Verify Your Script

Show your scripts you plan to use with each person you have in mind to your upline trainer to make sure you are on the right track and you are getting their input.

Practice Your Script

Practice saying your script over and over again until you say it without stuttering, sounding rehearsed, or having any nervousness.

Be Prepared For Questions

This product is too expensive?

Associate: “What do you mean by too expensive?”

Prospect: “Well there are other products out there that are cheaper to buy”

Associate: “Yes you are right there are products out there that are cheaper, and there are also products out there that are less effective and not as safe for you to take. I have a book that ranks the quality of over 1500 supplements that was put together by a team of scientist. Would you like to see what they found?”

Does your product have any side effects?

Associate: “Well that just depends on you and your body. Some people start on the product without any side effects and see results right away. Others who are just starting to take control of their health may feel slight discomfort such as small skin breakouts or slight diarrhea in the beginning as their body gets rid of the toxins that have built up in their body over time.”

Is your product all natural?

Associate: “What do you mean by all natural?”

Prospect: “Are there any extra chemicals added to the product”

Associate: “USANA products are science based. They make sure that they filter out all contaminants so that you are taking a safe product that is 100% pure and free of contaminants, and they don’t add any harmful chemicals during the process.

If My Product’s So Great How Come I Can’t Sell It?

If My Product’s So Great How Come I Can’t Sell It?
by Kim Klaver

The following is a very brief “Cliff’s Notes” summary of the book If My Product’s So Great How Come I Can’t Sell It? Sections of the summary have been paraphrased to hit on key points. This is not meant to be a substitute for the book, but rather a study guide. Kim Klaver goes into much more detail and provides a number of examples in her book and the 3 Scripts class that the book is based on.

Part 2

Creating Your “First Date” Script:

Your First Date Script is the first thing your prospective customer will hear you say about your product or service. Use this to respond to people when they ask what you do, to introduce your product to new people, to create ads, flyers, business cards, voice mail messages, emails, and email signatures. Use the FORMULA to create YOUR OWN unique script. If you put an authentic part of yourself in your script, you’ll touch people and magically open their minds to your product or service.

Remembering – Go sit in quiet place where you won’t be distracted to complete this section

1) Remember how you were Before you came across your product or service. What made you decide to try it for the first time? What were the specific things you were suffering from, or were disgusted with, or really needed or wanted to do? Don’t be afraid to get personal with this. Use picture words to describe yourself. If vague words come to you first like “I was tired,” or “I was stressed out,” say to yourself, “What I mean by that is…”

• My skin looked dry and flaky.
• I spent too much time at work that my family started complaining about never seeing me.
• I was someone who was always active in sports, and then started slowing down, getting sore, and needing more rest between workouts.
• I looked in the mirror and saw a fat man with a big potbelly.
• I couldn’t run up and down the stairs like I used to.
• I used to take a nap every afternoon and was in bed by 8.

If you are having difficulty remembering, then recall what happened in your life that triggered the conditions or problems you were having and how long ago you started noticing them.

• I was healthy and active all my life, then about four years ago I noticed my joints started getting achy and I’d get these shooting pains up and down my back….
• About 3 and a half years ago I pulled some muscles in my arms and chest and then I couldn’t work out like I used to. I couldn’t even carry groceries or lift my briefcase…
• For as long as I can remember, I used to get 4 or 5 long lasting colds per year …

2) Remember what happened After you started using your product or service. Did it fix or improve one or more of your Before situations? These fixes don’t have to be dramatic; they just have to be true. One little thing can make a big difference in someone’s life, like “Now I rarely get colds and when I do they last two days instead of 3 weeks.”

Be sure to match your Befores and Afters like “Before I was blind and now I can see” rather than “Before I was blind and now I can walk.”

On a piece of paper, write out three examples of Befores and Afters. Answer the following questions:
Before I started using my product (or service) I was someone who…

Then One day I tried this product (or service), and after (time period) I noticed that …

Finale: (see below)

3) Choose your Favorite Fix. What is the problem or concern that your product or service fixed that you are happiest about? Look at the 3 examples you wrote down and choose one that makes you feel the happiest or most relieved about inside. You’ll have other opportunities to present others. Just not now. You may market many fixes, but you LEAD WITH ONLY ONE.

Some people feel strongly about their results because they were life altering for themselves or families. In some cases, long-term health problems were reversed. If you have a similar feeling about your product or service, include a Finale in the

After part of your Favorite Fix. Examples:
• It feels good to use a product that actually makes a difference.
• It’s been 2 years and I feel better now than I ever did.

4) Remember a few Personal Zingers. Let’s finish creating a script for your Favorite Fix. Personal Zingers are juicy tidbits from your personal situation before you started using your product or service.

• These may include crises, frailties or problems you’ve overcome by using your product. Example – “Seven years ago my relationship fell apart, and after the break up, a lot of things went downhill. After a while I stopped doing things socially and I didn’t enjoy my work. Actually I didn’t enjoy anything anymore…”

• If you didn’t have a problem you overcame, but wanted to maintain an already good condition or ensure peak performance, your zinger can be what you’ve done to prove you’re a member of the Segment you are marketing to. Example – “I’ve been a vegetarian and always taken supplements because I wanted to maintain great health and improve my athletic performance. I play sports to win, not just for exercise.”

To get more specific Personal Zingers that paint a picture, ask yourself “Why did I feel like that?” What caused that to happen?” or “What happened just before I felt like that?” Now go back to your script and add some Personal Zingers to the Before and After sections.

5) Remember the Things You Tried before you came across your product or service. Did you try to fix your situation with other products or services? Some try other things for years like going from doctor to doctor, taking different medications, trying all kinds of vitamins. Examples:

• I was on four medications that weren’t helping me much and had bad side effects.
• I tried all kinds of vitamins from our local GNC over a couple of years and it didn’t seem to make a difference whether I took them or not.
• I changed my diet and started exercising, but neither seemed to make much difference.

Phrases that work well after saying what you tried before you found your product include:
• … but nothing seemed to make a difference.
• … but nothing seemed to work.
• … but they had bad side effects (and I got scared).
• They worked for a while, but [the problem] didn’t go away.

On your paper, add some of the things you tried:
Things I Tried (optional)

…but nothing seemed to make a difference.
(or similar appropriate phrase.)

Scripting Your Market Segment – Do not complete this section unless you have completed all of the Remembering Steps above. Otherwise, you will end up with the dreaded SELLER TALK.

Your Market Segment is your marketing name…it’s your favorite fix – the juiciest problem, condition or personal goal you had, that your product or service fixed or helped you attain. It’s your HOT BUTTON. You find your Market Segment by looking at what you wrote as the Before part of your Favorite Fix. Convert your Before into your Market Segment by using it or a version of it to complete the following sentence:

I market a product for someone (or people/parents/men/women) who…

At the end of the sentence add one of the following “like me” phrases. It shows the consumer you are a member of that market segment and most important, it shows the person that you have vulnerabilities also:
Like me… like I used to be… like what happened to me… like I did.

• Favorite Fix: Before I started taking the product I was someone who had to eat every couple of hours, otherwise I’d get weak and feel like biting people’s heads off.

• Market Segment: I market a product for people who can’t go for more than a couple of hours without eating like I used to.

• I market a product for people who know they’re not eating right and are interested in health like I was.

• I market a product for people who can’t seem to lose weight with diet, exercise or will power like what happened to me.

• I market a product for women who want a natural alternative to the hormone replacement drugs they’re taking like me.

• I market a product for people whose joints hurt a lot like mine used to.

• I market a product for people who have dull dry skin and wrinkles, like I used to. Since I was little, my skin was dry, like my mom’s. I spent a lot of time outdoors in the sun and my skin got worse. It started flaking and I got a lot of deep wrinkles around my eyes…

On your paper, define your market segment:
I market a product for people (someone/women/men/parents) who…

…like me/ like I used to / like what happened to me / like I did / like I had.

Assembling Your First Date Script – Now it’s time to put it all together. Your script will have five pieces that come out of your personal experience. You created all of these pieces in the sections above: Market Segment, Personal Zingers, Things You Tried, Your Results After Using the Product, Your Optional Finale. The script also has key phrases that introduce or end each piece and a question that’s considered “The Close” - Do you know anyone who might like to know about a product like that?

The closing question puts no pressure on the consumer because you’re not asking them to buy. You’re simply asking if they know anyone who might like to know about a product like that. If you hit their Hot Button, they’ll say,
“Yes, me! I want to know more…” or they might refer someone to you.

First Date Scripting Formula

I market a product for people who …
Add your Personal Market Segment … like I used to.

Add your Personal Zingers
Add the Things You Tried … but nothing seemed to make a difference (or other phrase).

So then I tried this product and after ___ months (within a few weeks / almost right away)…
Add your results After using the product
Add your Finale (optional).

Do you know anyone who might like to know about a product like that?

Example – Long Script

I market a product for people who …
work a demanding job and have lost their energy … like what happened to me.

I worked in a medical practice for 25 years and during the last four, I started working longer hours, did more procedures, saw my family less, and made less money. I’d come home after work with no energy. I’d fall asleep on the couch within 10 minutes after dinner. I was so wiped out that my family stopped including me in their evening plans. They said “Dad’s no fun.” So I had to do something about it.

I had access to prescription drugs, but I was looking for something natural to boost my energy. I tried a couple herbal pills … but nothing seemed to make a difference.

So then I tried this product and within a month, I started coming home with more energy than I had before. I didn’t go to the couch anymore after dinner. Instead I stayed awake and spent time with my family.

It’s been 3 years and I feel like I’m in my 30’s again. The best part is the kids say “Dad’s fun again.”

Do you know anyone who might like to know about a product like that?

Example – Long Script

I market a product for people who …
have a hard time maintaining the weight they want … like I used to.

Growing up, I was always so active that I could eat whatever I wanted and never gain a pound. But then I got a demanding job working long hours and sitting at a desk all day, so I didn’t have time to go to the gym as much or make healthy meals.

My weight started to increase, and I’m a small boned girl, so even 15 pounds made a big difference. My clothes fit tighter, and at one point I actually busted out the back-side of my pants when I went to sit down. I looked into different ways to lose weight but I didn’t want to starve myself or use drugs.

So then I tried this product and within a couple months, I lost the extra pounds and my clothes started to fit again. Now I am going on 30 and I am back down to a size 2.

Do you know anyone who might like to know about a product like that?

Tips to Make Your Script Zing
1) Use words a 13 year old would understand. Say your script OUT LOUD and if possible, have someone listen to you. If you can’t, then record yourself and listen to it.
2) Make sure there’s no seller talk. It has to speak to someone without techno-babble, promises, etc.
3) Use picture and action words. NO clichés, generalities, or big words. Example – Arthritis = my feet and legs hurt so much I couldn’t sleep.
4) Go over your first draft and give it a polish…
5) Time your polished script. Make sure it is no longer than 45 seconds – MAX.

Depending on the situation, you may not be able to give your Long Script version, so make a Short Script out of it. You would use this, for example, in line at the grocery store when answering a quick question of “So what do you do?” You’ll add Personal Zingers later in the conversation if the prospect shows interest.

Limit this short script to around 19 words or less. Using the example above…

Example – Short Script

I market a product for people who …
work a demanding job and have lost their energy … like what happened to me.

Do you know anyone who might like to know about a product like that?

Congratulations. You now have a First Date Script. Get out there and start using it!

More and more next time on If My Product’s So Great How Come I Can’t Sell It?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Learning is Fun

Here are the newest books from Learning is Fun! Collections.

Chidren's Visual Dictionary

8000 Awesome Things you should know

The rest of the books can be viewed at

Read them and you will discover that indeed... Learning is Fun!


I received this from a friend and was encouraged to post it and spread the word.

If everyone can remember something this simple, we could save some folks. Seriously..

Please read:


During a BBQ party, a friend stumbled and took a little fall. She assured everyone that she was fine (they offered to call paramedics) .....she said she had just tripped over a brick because of her new shoes.

They got her cleaned up and got her a new plate of food. While she appeared a bit shaken up, Ingrid went about enjoying herself the rest of the evening.

Ingrid's husband called later telling everyone that his wife had been taken to the hospital - (at 6:00 pm Ingrid passed away.) She had suffered a stroke at the BBQ. Had they known how to identify the signs of a stroke, perhaps Ingrid would be with us today. Some don't die.... they end up in a helpless, hopeless condition instead.

It only takes a minute to read this...

A neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough.


Thank God for the sense to remember the "3" steps, STR . Read and Learn!

Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are difficult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke .

Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:

S * Ask the individual to SMILE.

T * Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently)
(i.e. “It is sunny out today”.)

R * Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.

NOTE: Another 'sign' of a stroke is this: Ask the person to 'stick' out his tongue.. If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other, that is also an indication of a stroke.

If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call help immediately.

A cardiologist says if everyone who gets this info and shares it to 10 people; you can bet that at least one life will be saved.

I hope this post will help someone.


Wednesday, December 2, 2009

If My Product’s So Great How Come I Can’t Sell It? 100 Customers in 100 Days

Based on a book by Kim Klaver

I recalled having been introduced to this early this year. This has helped me a lot and I am sharing them in the hope that more people would be enlightened. This is quite long so I am cutting it in various parts. But note that all of them are equally important.

The following is a very brief “Cliff’s Notes” summary of the book If My Product’s So Great How Come I Can’t Sell It? Sections of the summary have been paraphrased to hit on key points. This is not meant to be a substitute for the book, but rather a study guide. Kim Klaver goes into much more detail and provides a number of examples in her book and the 3 Scripts class that the book is based on.

Part I

Four Agreements:

1) Let go of the 9 in 10 who won’t buy. There are many reasons people don’t buy, like:

It’s not on their radar. They may not value the same things you value like looking good, losing weight or making money. It has to be on their personal “Change List” before it gets on their radar. Once it’s a priority on their Change List, they’ll buy.

Still on their vent list. People have two lists on their minds – the Change List and the Vent List. People complain, whine, joke, and beat themselves up for the items on the Vent List…but they never do anything about it. Items on the Change List are those that someone is actively doing something about.

2) No more seller talk. You always have to put yourself in the shoes of the consumer. It’s not what WE think that matters, it’s what the consumer thinks. When sellers start talking, almost no one listens. Here are three signs of a seller:

Generalities. If your words and phrases speak to no one in particular, who will respond? For example, “health and wellness,” “nutrition program” and “home based business.” Generalities that are vague or abstract don’t catch anybody’s attention; therefore, nobody buys.

Techno-babble. This is jargon, shop talk, like “patented, scientifically proven nutritional supplements,” “USANA Health Sciences,” and “Sense skin care line.” Only use words that a 13-year old would understand. Don’t get into the names of products, companies, or technical terms. Names of diseases are also techno-babble; symptoms are not. For example, most people don’t know what “fibromyalgia” is or feels like, but they can relate to achy muscles and being too tired to get out of bed.

Hype. Promises. Chestbeating. Unbelievable claims that sound inflated, excessive or extravagant turn people off and few people believe them. These are predictions or promises over which the seller has no control, like “these products prevent cancer” or “you’ll be able to go off your medications” or “this will get rid of all your aches and pains.” These can also be considered chestbeating, like “this is the most exciting, fantastic, amazing, wonderful, cheapest, highest quality thing out there.” Doesn’t everyone say this about his or her product? What is distinguishing you or your product?

3) Lead with YOUR hot button. Forget about other people’s hot buttons and lead with your own… the thing you are concerned about or something that happened in YOUR life – which is the reason you do your program…the reason why you fell in love with your product or service. You’ll be able to find people just like you, who buy for the same reasons you did. And because it’s YOUR hot button, you’ll be speaking the truth. Examples – wanting to work from home with your kids, needing to lose weight, finding a product that gives you more energy, or taking a vitamin that gets rid of the aches in your joints. State your hot button so clearly that your prospects hear it distinctly. Use these strategies:

Find YOUR truth. Tell about your experience so that the listener feels the pain, the need, or the excitement you felt. If they feel the same thing, or know of someone who does, they will say, ”That sounds like me. What do you have?” or “That sounds like someone I know. Tell me more.”

Be honest always. Tell them right off that you market your product/service or are introducing it to people. People want to buy from other people they feel they can trust enough to take advice from.

Don’t project your results onto others. Just because you had success with your product or service doesn’t mean the whole world will. People are different and react to the same things in different ways. So relate your experience as an instance of how it worked for you and then put the ball in their court as to whether it might work for them or not.

Pretend it’s your “first date”. Tell them enough to whet their appetite. Then let THEM ask for the “next date” or more information.

Believe in the power of specific words. HOW you say something may be as important as WHAT you want to convey. Specific words have the power to turn people on OR off.

4) Do it over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over…

I hope this has been a short but helpful PART I. Keep on coming back for the rest of If My Product’s So Great How Come I Can’t Sell It? 100 Customers in 100 Days

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Correct Timing to Take Water

Here's a tip I received from a friend via email... Seems like a good one to share, pls note...

Correct timing to take water
, will maximize its effectiveness to Human body.

Two (02) glass of water - After waking up - Helps activate internal organs

One (01) glasses of water - 30 minutes before meal - Help digestion

One (01) glass of water - Before taking a bath - Helps lower blood pressure

One (01) glass of water - Before sleep - To avoid stroke or heart attack

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

US pharma firm shows health truly means wealth

I would like to share the following link. This article was published in Philippine Start under Health and Family Section on November 24, 2009. A photo of USANA Essentials was also included there.

Here is the link to the said article: US pharma firm shows health truly means wealth.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

THE TEN COMMUNICATION QUALITIES by Tim Sales from Professional Inviter

Tim Sales in his Professional Inviter shares the Inviting Formula together with the following tips. Here is a short summary guide you can use in Communicating with other people. Follow these COMMUNICATION QUALITIES and success would be yours!

1. Be interested in the prospect.

2. Do not be distracted by anything.

3. Have a sincere, friendly facial expression

4. User the correct amount of assertiveness

5. Communicate easily – no tension, strain, fakeness, sounding rehearsed, stuttering or hesitating.

6. Make sure your body doesn’t distract the prospect.

7. Tell the truth.

8. Know what you’re talking about.

9. Communicate at the prospect’s level of understanding.

10. Have the intention to make the person’s life better.

Goodluck and Happy Inviting! And don't forget these 10 COMMUNICATION QUALITIES.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Relationship Strategies by Tony Alessandra

I've been browsing my files some days ago and saw from one of our trainings. Its an extract from Tony Alessandra's Relationship Strategies. The following are his tips when it comes to approaching people as well as things to help out in sharing the Business.

There are basically four types of people: NURTURER, SOCIALIZER, THINKERS and DIRECTORS. Each type can be distinguished by certain characteristics, by their profession and idealism. Personality type requires different approaches.


These people are driven by relationships. They love helping people. Most become Nurses, Teachers, Social Workers, Salvation Army, and the likes. They drive Environmental Friendly Cars, Fuel Efficiency, and Station Wagon.

Their strengths are being loving, caring, and unselfish. Their weaknesses on the other hand include being concerned about what others think. They get pushed over.

Best introduction for these type of people would be that this is a business on helping others. Help people with their health. Discuss Children's Hunger Fund. Share Dr. Wentz vision in helping others.

Recommendation: Open and Indirect Approach


Socializers are driven by fun, and are full of creativity. They end up as Sales Reps, involve in Art. Some became Musicians, Actors, and Graphic Designers. They
drive Corvette, BMW Z3 Roadster.

They don't care what people think about them. They are very animated, very direct, very outgoing. They're very creative. Their common Weakness is they lose interest quickly.

For these people, emphasize meeting new people. Team effort is fun, especially in USANA events. Show them pictures of team events, traveling, and fun.

Recommendation: Open and Direct Approach


Thinkers are driven by data, statistics, and are very analytical. Most occupations include Engineers, CPA's, Science, Doctors, Lawyers. They research and analyze car before they buy it. A LOT of Research!

They are very thorough, usually, go over all data. But most are caught in "Paralysis by Analysis."

Just show them the Comparative Guide, Stock Report, Forbes Magazine, Business Week
and Physican Desk Reference (PDR)

Recommendation: Closed and Indirect Approach


These people are driven by achievements, goals, power, recognition. They are the
CEOs, Lawyers, Coaches, Business Owners. They are driven by goals, competitions, recognitions. These are the Generals in the Army, VPs, and have their Escalades, Own Chaufer, Mercedes, H2 Hummers.

Their Strength are in Leadership, they get it done, goal oriented! Weakness
includes being Insensitive, hurt other people's feeling.

For them, "Show me the Money!" becomes Instant motivation and challenge.

Recommendation: Closed and Direct Approach

These are very good guide for those who wants to start anew with their business. Hopefully, this can be of help to some.


Saturday, November 14, 2009

A book from my beloved Friend

My love for books started when I was in high school. I remember being hooked in Nancy Drew series. I’d go to the library to borrow a book at a time, and go devour it at home and school. Nancy and I became fast friends *grin* Then I met the Hardy Boys! *wink* I fell in love with them too! *lol*

But that’s not really why I started this article. Just this morning, I was scanning things on my cabinet and I found this little book. It was a gift on one of my birthdays. What really touched me is the dedication by the sisters who gave me this nice book. I suddenly missed Sallie!

Sallie Rojas was one of my best friends way back elementary. When we met again during our youth, we became even closer. Inah easily became one of my close friends too. It was so sad that they had to go to the province and we had to part ways. Just this year, Inah and I bumped into each other once again after several years without any communication. It was so nice to see her again. I hope she gets the chance to read this one…

“Prayers for a Listening Heart” by Paul Castley… What’s so special with this book? It is a healing and soothing book about people who have stories to tell, and the people who listen to them. Browsing back, I found several highlighted lines I’d like to share with you now, and I quote them below…

1. If we have a compassionate heart and an ability to listen we’ll have a lot of the sorrows of the world poured out upon us. This will stir up all sorts of feelings within us. We needn’t be afraid of the fact that these feelings are there. We’ll be standing before God in our truth. Share them with God. Slowly, God’s word will come to us like the dawn from the East. If we don’t face our feelings and deal with them, they’ll burn us out.

2. Christ’s shoulders are strong enough to bear our anger. Tell God how you feel. That’s prayer. That’s communication. You can make decisions to use it wisely and well. Befriend anger and make it an instrument of love, not destruction. Stand close to others in their anger and hear the cry of pain behind it.

3. God is alive and well; and at work. We need to remind ourselves of that. Open our eyes to the lovely things that are happening.

4. In other situations it’s our own negative disposition that takes over. In times like this, take time to gaze at the crucifixion and let it touch us. Then we can follow Jesus to his resurrection and find hope and power to work for change.

5. Enable people to live through their pain. Let the heart pour out what’s bursting it with pain. The golden rule is “I’m not here to say, I’m here to listen.” Just listen and encourage others to express themselves.
6. We are convinced of it in our minds, but there are hidden depths of our being where we haven’t yet experienced that resurrection. It’s no good denying feelings of despair and hopelessness are there. We need to turn our focus onto the risen Christ.

7. There’s a need to celebrate our delight in our successes. It’s not conceit. If we can touch into our hearts at these times we’ll notice a contentment that’s worth enjoying. And it may be good to share our delight with someone.

As I go reminiscing, these wonderful teachings really remind me of my dear Sally. She had so much to share and yet she was gone so young. I just content myself with the thought that she is now face to face with God. I love you, Sally! You are gone but never forgotten!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Take Back Control of Your Health - Lyle Macwilliams

Optimal health is a lifelong commitment. That is one of the many things I learned from Lyle Macwilliams, author of the great book “Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements.” It is a comprehensive book that tackles human nutrition and on how it plays an important role in everyday life. It explains how we can increase the benefits we get from them by choosing the most effective available nutritional supplements to combine with balanced diet and exercise.

Prevention rather than cure, this is fast becoming my motto. And I can say I am privileged to experience this immediately. I easily catch colds during “colds season” but after carefully monitoring my diet, engaging some time in physical exercise and religiously taking the best multivitamin there is, USANA Essentials, together with the optimizer Proflavanol, I immediately noticed that I was spared of it for the last 9 months and counting! Isn’t it great?!
The best part of it is yet to come! Now we have this Greatest Hope that my family and I, who have been continuously taking these great nutritionals, would have a better future, longer life, happier and healthier life ahead! I truly hope that more people would know the true value of proper nutrition and optimal health!

More of Me

It has taken me a long time to start with this article about me. I seems like this is one of the most difficult ones I have to write. *lol*

Who am I? Well, to family and friends I am me. *grin* simple person with simple moods. Jolly, yes but silent sometimes, or is it most of the time? Friends, do help me here…

A shy person to strangers, but on happy times, can even become very friendly. Are you now getting more confused than ever?

Seriously now, for a long time, I have been a simple person with simple dreams. I think time and complacency has robbed me of my early BIG DREAMS. I was just getting by…Working and living for nothing. Not even for the future. Luckily HOPE came and I am now starting to dream more and more. So am I a dreamer now? Well, dreamer with goals and plans, yes. With the help of my new found friends and partner, life is getting more and more fun.

Getting curious now, eh? Don’t worry, I have some stuff here to share about my inspirations and my friends! I am still planning my journey to success, and you are all invited to come with me! This would be a lot of fun!

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Tim Sales Series - Inviting Formula

Inviting Formula is simply explained in the following steps...

1. Greeting – have prospect talk openly and freely

Opening Statement may follow the FORM method: Family, Occupation, Recreation, Message. Remember not to jump to the next step unless this step has been completed. Otherwise, the needs, wants or don’t want you may get on the qualify step might not be the real ones.

2. Qualify – find prospect needs, wants and don’t wants as it pertains to the business or product
This will establish how you will proceed with the next step which is Invite. Your product or service or business must be a solution or answer to the prospect needs, wants and don’t wants so this step is very critical. Do not proceed with the Invite without a matching reason for the invite.

3. Invite – invite prospect to review information to help them achieve what the prospect needs, wants or don’t wants as stated in the qualify step
This is basically more on just sharing ideas and information that may help the prospect with his needs, wants and don’t wants. With a good Qualify step, this becomes a very simple and short one.

4. Handle Q & A – help prospect overcome obstacles that prevent them from achieving their needs, wants & don’t wants
Before completing any of the steps, be sure to handle objections first. Expressed and/or unexpressed objections may come in on any step of the Inviting Formula. Make sure that after completing the handling, return to the step you are in when the objection came out. Then proceed to the next step.

5. Close to Action
This Close to Action step is one of the easiest in the whole inviting formula if and when the previous steps have been completed successfully. This is just agreeing on the actions to take and the next schedule of follow-up.

6. Follow-up / Follow through
Follow-up is just asking for status regarding the previous agreed actions and schedule. Fortune is in the follow-up as 80% of success comes from follow-up. Do series of follow-ups but if the prospect does not respond, make sure to do a closure.
Follow through is for successful follow-ups. Just guide the prospect on the steps to follow in completing the task, be it supplying with the product or service or staring a business.

Following these few and simple steps, SUCCESS is not far from you! :)

Success Philosophies and Principles...Part I

One of the things I like about my business is that I have come across great influential people like Jim Rohn. He's been described as master motivator, one of the most profound thinker of all times, extraordinary mentor, among others. He has touched so many lives and I'm so greatful that I have been "introduced" to him :)

Now, I am so excited to share with you some of the things I learned from Jim Rohn's success philosophies and principles, here it goes...

"Profits are better than wages. "

Wages make you a living which is fine. Profits make you a forture which is super fine! You can live both fine and super fine. It doesn't take much to start an enterprise that makes a profit.
And you can start this miracle working business part-time! So I am working full time on my job, and part time on my fortune! This is called THE MAGIC OF PART TIME! Part time helps to change lifestyle!

"Its not what happens that determines your life future. Its what you do that about what happens."

The same wind blows on us all. The wind of dissaster, the wind of opportunity, the wind of change... The economic wind, the social wind, the political wind. The difference in arrival is not in the blowing of the wind but on the set of the sail. That's what learning is all about, to set a better sail. Set the sail of better thinking. Correct the errors of the past and then pick up some new disciplines for the future. Who can do that? ANYBODY! This is what it's called -- OPPORTUNITY!

"Humans can do the most remarkable things no matter what."

For things to change for you, YOU must change. Don't wish it was easy, wish you were better. Don't wish for less problems, wish for more skills. You don't need less problems, you simply need more skills! Don't wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom. Accept the challenge coz you can't grow without a challenge. You must understand the challenge. That's the key to develop wisdom to overcome the challenge!

"The Law of Averages...If you do something often enough, a ratio will appear."

Once it starts, it tends to continue. "When I'm new, I make up in numbers what I lack in skills." The law of averages can be increased. You can get better! So if you decide to get rich, just learn the law of averages and you're off and running. be continued...

Monday, September 28, 2009

My quest for freedom... my inspirations

It all started with a dream, a realization...then acceptance... DREAMS DO COME TRUE!

Thanks to Robert Kiyosaki's Rich Dad Poor Dad I've opened up to this wonderful wonderful opportunity. I've been trapped all these years but now I've started my quest for freedom.

My new beginning...

Finally started my blog... been wanting to do this for ages... thank goodness my officemate jp was patient with me.

Wow, now am at a loss for words... so thrilled i'm actually doing it now... but so clueless how to proceed. :D

This is all so exciting for me i suddenly forgot my english vocabulary! *lol* so many thoughts playing in my mind...which one to write first? Better be off doing something... anything... *lol*

Things to watch out in my coming posts:

- all about ME
- My Biz, why do I love THEE
- My groups - the Angels1-11 and Freedom1-11 -- FLY HIGH!!!
- Inspiration, Inspiration and more Inspirations...Books, Books, and more Books!
- Tips from successful people I know

and much much more...
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