Inviting Formula is simply explained in the following steps...
1. Greeting – have prospect talk openly and freely
Opening Statement may follow the FORM method: Family, Occupation, Recreation, Message. Remember not to jump to the next step unless this step has been completed. Otherwise, the needs, wants or don’t want you may get on the qualify step might not be the real ones.
2. Qualify – find prospect needs, wants and don’t wants as it pertains to the business or product
This will establish how you will proceed with the next step which is Invite. Your product or service or business must be a solution or answer to the prospect needs, wants and don’t wants so this step is very critical. Do not proceed with the Invite without a matching reason for the invite.
3. Invite – invite prospect to review information to help them achieve what the prospect needs, wants or don’t wants as stated in the qualify step
This is basically more on just sharing ideas and information that may help the prospect with his needs, wants and don’t wants. With a good Qualify step, this becomes a very simple and short one.
4. Handle Q & A – help prospect overcome obstacles that prevent them from achieving their needs, wants & don’t wants
Before completing any of the steps, be sure to handle objections first. Expressed and/or unexpressed objections may come in on any step of the Inviting Formula. Make sure that after completing the handling, return to the step you are in when the objection came out. Then proceed to the next step.
5. Close to Action
This Close to Action step is one of the easiest in the whole inviting formula if and when the previous steps have been completed successfully. This is just agreeing on the actions to take and the next schedule of follow-up.
6. Follow-up / Follow through
Follow-up is just asking for status regarding the previous agreed actions and schedule. Fortune is in the follow-up as 80% of success comes from follow-up. Do series of follow-ups but if the prospect does not respond, make sure to do a closure.
Follow through is for successful follow-ups. Just guide the prospect on the steps to follow in completing the task, be it supplying with the product or service or staring a business.
Following these few and simple steps, SUCCESS is not far from you! :)
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