Based on a book by Kim Klaver
The following is a very brief “Cliff’s Notes” summary of the book If My Product’s So Great How Come I Can’t Sell It? Sections of the summary have been paraphrased to hit on key points. This is not meant to be a substitute for the book, but rather a study guide. Kim Klaver goes into much more detail and provides a number of examples in her book and the 3 Scripts class that the book is based on.
Here's PART 3:
When Someone Says Yes – Scripts 1, 2 and 3 (page 129):
What you say after being asked 1) what is it, 2) will it work for me, or 3) how much is it, will tell the person whether you’re an advisor they can trust or whether you’re just another seller.
1) What is it? Briefly describe the nature o the product then mention the product name, not the company name.
• It’s a powder that you mix with water or juice to make a shake…
• It’s a capsule that you take twice a day…
• It’s a cream that you put on your face…
• It’s a crunchy bar…
• It’s a whole family of products - a cleanser, a moisturizer and a …
Script 1: “What is it?”
It’s (a short phrase or sentence describing the product).
Optional: It’s called (name of product). Have you heard of it?
What you say next will depend on what the consumer says. They might say:
“No I haven’t heard of it. How much does it cost? OR,
“No, I’ve never heard of it. Hmmm…” OR,
“No. Do you think it will work for my 76 year old aunt?”
2) Will it work for me? Will it work for Uncle X? Will it work for problem X? (Page 132)
This script has two parts – 2a, the disclaimer, and 2b, the rapport builder. 2a - You know only that the product has worked for you, so that’s all you say. No promises. No hype.
Script 2a: Disclaimer
“I don’t know if this will work for you or not, but what if it does? What if it works for you the way it did for me? Would you like to try it then?”
2b has two options depending on whether you lead with your long First Date Script (FDS) or with the short version. Mentally cross over from your side of the booth and slide right in next to them on their side. Speak in a friendly tone, like you are confiding.
If you led with your full FDS, pick one of the two options below, depending on why you got into the business. If you got into the business because you fell in love with the product when you first tried it or heard about it, say:
Script 2b-1: Product Motive (For after Long First Date Script)
“Let me tell you what happened to me. I liked the product so much I decided to go into business for myself and make it available to other people like me. So they can try it too. And that’s what I’m doing. So, what do you think? Would you like to try this out and see if it works for you (the way it did for me)?”
If you got into the business not because you experienced any great effects from the products, but because you were looking for a business to get involved in, then you’d use the following script instead:
Script 2b-2: Business Motive (For after Long First Date Script)
“Let me tell you what happened to me. I’d been looking to represent a company that had a product I could really get behind. I found it in this one, so that’s what I’m doing. So what do you think? Would you like to try it and see if it works for you (the way it did for me)?”
If you used the Short FDS, and the person asks “Will it work for me?” this is your chance to slide in your personal zingers and results. Script 2C shows how you’d do this:
Script 2c: Personal Zingers (For after Short First Date Script)
“Let me tell you what happened to me. Before I heard about this product I used to be someone who … (your personal zingers, the things you tried, and your results from your FDS). In fact,
Option 1) I liked the product so much I decided to go into business for myself and make it available to other people like me. So they can try it too.
Option 2) I’d been looking to represent a company that had a product I could really get behind, and I found it in this one.
And that’s what I’m doing. So, what do you think? Would you like to try this out and see if it works for you (the way it did for me)?”
Notice that you dropped the hint about the business in that last piece of the script. A HINT. That’s it. If they have even the slightest interest in doing the business they’ll catch the hint. If they’re curious, they’ll ask.
They will react to 2b in one of three ways. They will either:
a) Waffle or get pukey on you: If they do this, immediately say NO first. “This is probably not for you…”
b) Ask you for more information: Ask them how they’d like it – by email, website, conference call, snail mail, etc. Make a date to talk more another time, or to get more info to them IF you think they’re worth your time. Remember, many people don’t know how to say, “No, this is not for me.” So, they ask you to mail them information just to be nice and get you off the phone. If that happens, say:
Script 2d: More Info
“Ok I can send you some info and I’ll call you in a few days to see if there’s a match. Otherwise, if you’re not really interested it’s OK. We can save a tree and I won’t burst into tears, I promise.
So what would you like to do? Shall I send you some information and I’ll call you in a couple of days? OR do you want to save a tree?
c) Ask you how much it costs.
3) How much is it? (Page 140)
Remind yourself that you really are an advisor. If your product is right for them, they’ll buy at some point. If it’s not, at least you’ve done your job of letting them know about it. Prepare in advance what you will say so that when the moment comes, it will roll off your tongue. Your response to the question has four parts: 3a) Packages, 3b) What you did – how you started, 3c) Your surprise advice, 3d) Special pricing options
3a – Packages. Packages are different ways a consumer can get what you’re offering. For example, someone trying to lose weight can get the RESET kit OR a canister of shake mix and box of nutrition bars.
“It depends. Let me tell you how it comes.” The rest of what you say depends on whether you are marketing one product or a line of different products. You can offer the retail price or you might market the price break based on the preferred customer or autoship discount (Be sure to look at the USANA price list.)
Script 3a-1: Autoship Discount
“It depends. Let me tell you how it comes. One bottle is normally good for a month. They give you a 1-month supply for $___. If you get it once a month, you get a 30% discount off the retail price and each bottle is $___.
Optional Question:
Which one do you think might be good for you?
Script 3a-2: Package Pricing
“It depends. Let me tell you how it comes. They have a couple packages, depending on what you want. They have a deluxe package and a starter package.
** In the DELUXE package, you get Blah Blah Blah, and they give it to you for $ ___.
** In the STARTER package, you get Blah Blah, and they give it to you for $ ___.
Optional Question:
Which one do you think might be good for you?
Using “They have” instead of “We” or “I have” separates you from your company. This it CRITICAL to maintain your advisor role. The moment you say “I have x…” the customer is reminded that you are the seller, and may become more skeptical than they need to be.
Giving the retail or 1-month price allows you to offer them a deal – a lower price for the same thing depending on the quantity or number of items they order. Every consumer loves a deal. A customer’s perception of whether something is expensive or reasonable is relative.
3b – How You Started (Page 147). As they ponder options, you mentally cross over to their side of the booth and slide right in beside them. In a friendly, soft, and confidential tone, say this:
Script 3b: How I started
Let me tell you what I did. When I first got started, (Pick Option 1 or 2, whichever is true for you)
Option 1: I wasn’t sure about the products, you know, so I started with the smallest package. Then, when I saw how well it worked, I upgraded to the bigger one. (Describe your upgrade, e.g., “I also got the …”) or
Option 2: I loved everything I saw, and got the deluxe package right off. And I’ve never looked back.
3c – Your Surprise Advice (Page 148). Now, regardless of which option you picked, go ahead and surprise your prospect by offering them the smaller package. Propose this right after you tell what you did.
Script 3c: Advice
Maybe the starter package is the best one for you. Tell me how you would use the product and we can see if that’s the best option…
Ask advisor questions to gather information and help them decide on the best package based on their needs:
• How often will you be using it?
• Do you need a stronger dose?
• How long have you had this situation? How long have you felt like this? How long have you been concerned about that?
• How much weight are you looking to lose? What are your eating habits now?
• What kinds of things have you done about it so far? How did that work?
• What other kinds of problems would you like to deal with?
Remember – Before you answer any of their questions, ask yourself, “What would an advisor say now?” Then speak. Don’t sound like a seller!
3d – Special pricing options (Page 152). Let the customer know about the options: retail, wholesale/ preferred customer, autoship/preferred customer who gets the product every month or every other month.
Script 3d-1: Wholesale/Preferred Customer Price
Ok great. The price I gave you was retail. That’s what they give it to you for when you buy it one time off the website. They also have a wholesale option for preferred customers. I can help you place the order so you get a 20% discount off the retail price. You’ll also get access to an online website so you can change your order in the future if you want to…
Would you like to do that for the special price, or would you like to do retail?
If they are leaning towards a shorter commitment, you might say:
“Give yourself a minimum of three months on the product, to give it a chance to work.”
Script 3d-1: Autoship/Preferred Customer Price
Ok great. The price I gave you was retail. But you know how things are cheaper by the dozen right? Well this works like that.
You don’t have to buy a dozen at once, but you’ll still get the preferred customer price, which is 30% discount off the retail price. It’s $___ instead of $___. They let you get it each month or every other month for as long as you want. And they’ll ship it to you direct so you don’t have to do anything else. You’ll also get access to an online website so you can change your order in the future if you want to… That’s what I do too, to get the better price.
Would you like to do that for the special price, or would you like to do retail?
If they ask about a return policy, you can say, “Of course they let you return it if you aren’t 100% satisfied with it. There’s a 30 day money back guarantee.”
Now put it all together. Here is a sample conversation with a potential customer.
Sample Conversation (Page 157)
Prospect: So what do you do?
You: I market a product for people who work long hours and are so tired when they get home, they can’t do anything, like what happened to me.
Do you know anyone who might like to know about a product like that?
Prospect: Hmmm. Interesting. That sounds kind of like me. What is it?
You: It’s a vitamin you take twice a day. It’s called the Essentials. Have you heard of it?
Prospect: No. Hmmm…
You: Let me tell you what happened to me. I used to run a day care center for years. Before I heard about this product I used to be so tired when I got home at night that I would plop down on the couch. I couldn’t do anything else, like my gardening and making dinner. It got so bad that my husband started to complain that he was bored because I never had enough energy to go out and do anything with him.
Then after a month on this product, my energy started to come back. I could stay awake at the end of the day, and spend more time with my husband.
I liked the product so much I decided to go into business for myself and market it to other people like me. And that’s what I am doing. So, what do you think? Would you like to try it out and see if it works for you (the way it did for me)?
Prospect: How much does it cost?
You: It depends. Let me tell you how it comes. They have a couple of packages, depending on what you want. They have a deluxe package and a starter.
In the DELUXE package, you get the Essentials multivitamin, Proflavonol, Calcium, and an Antioxidant Booster, and they give it to you for $142.70 (retail price). In the STARTER package, you get the Essentials multivitamin, and they give it to you for $53.15.
Prospect: Hmmm. That sounds good. I wonder what I should do.
You: Let me tell you what I did. When I first got started, I wasn’t sure about the packages, you know, so I started with the smallest package. Then, when I saw how well it worked, I upgraded to the bigger one. Maybe the starter package is the best one for you. Tell me how you would use it and we can see if that’s the best option. Are you the only one who’s going to be using it? Or is your husband going to use it too? Do you take any calcium supplements now?
Prospect: It’s just me. So I’d like to get the starter package.
You: Ok great. The price I gave you was retail. But you know how things are cheaper by the dozen right? Well this works like that. You don’t have to buy a dozen at once, but you’ll still get the preferred customer price, which is 30% discount off the retail price. It’s $39.95 instead of $53.15. They let you get it each month or every other month for as long as you want. And they’ll ship it to you direct so you don’t have to do anything else. You’ll also get access to an online website so you can change your order in the future if you want. That’s what I do too, to get the better price.
So which one do you want to do? Do you want to be a preferred customer for $39.95 or do the retail for $53.15?
Prospect: I want to be a preferred customer.
You: Ok great. Where do you want them to ship the package? How do you want to pay for it?
There you go. I hope that with all three parts, you can be of good help to people you meet. And I hope you can now stop asking the question... If My Product’s So Great How Come I Can’t Sell It?
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