I've been browsing my files some days ago and saw from one of our trainings. Its an extract from Tony Alessandra's Relationship Strategies. The following are his tips when it comes to approaching people as well as things to help out in sharing the Business.
There are basically four types of people: NURTURER, SOCIALIZER, THINKERS and DIRECTORS. Each type can be distinguished by certain characteristics, by their profession and idealism. Personality type requires different approaches.
These people are driven by relationships. They love helping people. Most become Nurses, Teachers, Social Workers, Salvation Army, and the likes. They drive Environmental Friendly Cars, Fuel Efficiency, and Station Wagon.
Their strengths are being loving, caring, and unselfish. Their weaknesses on the other hand include being concerned about what others think. They get pushed over.
Best introduction for these type of people would be that this is a business on helping others. Help people with their health. Discuss Children's Hunger Fund. Share Dr. Wentz vision in helping others.
Recommendation: Open and Indirect Approach
Socializers are driven by fun, and are full of creativity. They end up as Sales Reps, involve in Art. Some became Musicians, Actors, and Graphic Designers. They
drive Corvette, BMW Z3 Roadster.
They don't care what people think about them. They are very animated, very direct, very outgoing. They're very creative. Their common Weakness is they lose interest quickly.
For these people, emphasize meeting new people. Team effort is fun, especially in USANA events. Show them pictures of team events, traveling, and fun.
Recommendation: Open and Direct Approach
Thinkers are driven by data, statistics, and are very analytical. Most occupations include Engineers, CPA's, Science, Doctors, Lawyers. They research and analyze car before they buy it. A LOT of Research!
They are very thorough, usually, go over all data. But most are caught in "Paralysis by Analysis."
Just show them the Comparative Guide, Stock Report, Forbes Magazine, Business Week
and Physican Desk Reference (PDR)
Recommendation: Closed and Indirect Approach
These people are driven by achievements, goals, power, recognition. They are the
CEOs, Lawyers, Coaches, Business Owners. They are driven by goals, competitions, recognitions. These are the Generals in the Army, VPs, and have their Escalades, Own Chaufer, Mercedes, H2 Hummers.
Their Strength are in Leadership, they get it done, goal oriented! Weakness
includes being Insensitive, hurt other people's feeling.
For them, "Show me the Money!" becomes Instant motivation and challenge.
Recommendation: Closed and Direct Approach
These are very good guide for those who wants to start anew with their business. Hopefully, this can be of help to some.