Hi there! It took me almost a year to complete this two-part series. Major major things happened to me. I am just so happy I am now posting this second half of Jim Rohn's Success Philosophies and Principles.
Success Philosophies and Principles...Part II
There's a story from the Bible - The parable of the Sower. In the story there is a sower, he was an ambitious sower and he has excellent seed (an excellent idea, an excellent opportunity).
While he was sowing, some of the seeds fell on the way side and there birds get it. Note: the birds are going to get some of the seeds. You can either chase the bird, but you would leave the field...or just comment...ISN'T THAT INTERESTING! ITS JUST THE WAY IT IS! The sower KEPT ON SOWING! If you keep sowing, you can sow more seeds than the birds can get because there are not enough birds. The LAW OF AVERAGES will work for you.
Some of the seeds fell on rocky ground where the soil is shallow (and not of your making) - seeds start to grow, the first hot day, it withered... the hot weather is going to get some. This is not of your making. Just keep on sowing! SOME DON'T STAY... Learn how to Discipline your Disappointment.
Some of the seeds fell on thorny ground - the thorns are going to get some. People who let little things cheat them out of big opportunities.
Some of the seeds fell on good ground (IT ALWAYS WILL)- some did 30%, 50%, 100%. Let the 30s do 30s, 50s do 50s…
Philosophies that I CAN DO IT
1. Getting a customer - Making a sale - sharing
2. Recruiting - Sponsoring
Find a way to serve the many … service to many leads to greatness
If you help enough people to get what they want, you can have what you want
3. Organizing - People to work together. Everything magic is challenging
Best challenge: LETS GO DO IT
Shared Testimonial is powerful
4. Promotion - major / small recognition
Rewarding People for making small steps
5. Communication - conduct a meeting - I DID IT AGAIN
How to affect other people with words - DON’T BE LAZY IN LANGUAGE
TRAIN - how the business works
TEACH - how life works (leadership, set goals, ability to inspire)
6. Build an organization
Respond to those who deserve it not to those who need it
Teach people how to deserve your time/attention
You can help a thousand but you cannot carry 3 on your back
You cannot change people but they can change themselves
CAPITAL in your business isn't what matters… It's your SKILLS that buy you a future
BUY and SELL --- or --- SELL and BUY
The greatest value in life is LIVING A GOOD LIFE
1. Productivity - if you don’t produce you won't be happy
2. Good friends - the greatest support in the world is good friends
3. Spirituality - study-practice-teach whatever is valuable to you
4. Don't miss anything - If you live well, you will earn well
5. Inner Circle - take care of them, they'll take care of you
6. Ask for God's help
7. We have a chance as human beings to participate in the miracle process - Changing somebody's lifejavascript:void(0)
I love Jim Rohn's message: "I wish for you a life of wealth, health and happiness; a life in which you give to yourself the gift of patience, the virtue of reason and the value of knowledge." He will surely be missed....
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