Tuesday, November 24, 2009

US pharma firm shows health truly means wealth

I would like to share the following link. This article was published in Philippine Start under Health and Family Section on November 24, 2009. A photo of USANA Essentials was also included there.

Here is the link to the said article: US pharma firm shows health truly means wealth.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

THE TEN COMMUNICATION QUALITIES by Tim Sales from Professional Inviter

Tim Sales in his Professional Inviter shares the Inviting Formula together with the following tips. Here is a short summary guide you can use in Communicating with other people. Follow these COMMUNICATION QUALITIES and success would be yours!

1. Be interested in the prospect.

2. Do not be distracted by anything.

3. Have a sincere, friendly facial expression

4. User the correct amount of assertiveness

5. Communicate easily – no tension, strain, fakeness, sounding rehearsed, stuttering or hesitating.

6. Make sure your body doesn’t distract the prospect.

7. Tell the truth.

8. Know what you’re talking about.

9. Communicate at the prospect’s level of understanding.

10. Have the intention to make the person’s life better.

Goodluck and Happy Inviting! And don't forget these 10 COMMUNICATION QUALITIES.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Relationship Strategies by Tony Alessandra

I've been browsing my files some days ago and saw from one of our trainings. Its an extract from Tony Alessandra's Relationship Strategies. The following are his tips when it comes to approaching people as well as things to help out in sharing the Business.

There are basically four types of people: NURTURER, SOCIALIZER, THINKERS and DIRECTORS. Each type can be distinguished by certain characteristics, by their profession and idealism. Personality type requires different approaches.


These people are driven by relationships. They love helping people. Most become Nurses, Teachers, Social Workers, Salvation Army, and the likes. They drive Environmental Friendly Cars, Fuel Efficiency, and Station Wagon.

Their strengths are being loving, caring, and unselfish. Their weaknesses on the other hand include being concerned about what others think. They get pushed over.

Best introduction for these type of people would be that this is a business on helping others. Help people with their health. Discuss Children's Hunger Fund. Share Dr. Wentz vision in helping others.

Recommendation: Open and Indirect Approach


Socializers are driven by fun, and are full of creativity. They end up as Sales Reps, involve in Art. Some became Musicians, Actors, and Graphic Designers. They
drive Corvette, BMW Z3 Roadster.

They don't care what people think about them. They are very animated, very direct, very outgoing. They're very creative. Their common Weakness is they lose interest quickly.

For these people, emphasize meeting new people. Team effort is fun, especially in USANA events. Show them pictures of team events, traveling, and fun.

Recommendation: Open and Direct Approach


Thinkers are driven by data, statistics, and are very analytical. Most occupations include Engineers, CPA's, Science, Doctors, Lawyers. They research and analyze car before they buy it. A LOT of Research!

They are very thorough, usually, go over all data. But most are caught in "Paralysis by Analysis."

Just show them the Comparative Guide, Stock Report, Forbes Magazine, Business Week
and Physican Desk Reference (PDR)

Recommendation: Closed and Indirect Approach


These people are driven by achievements, goals, power, recognition. They are the
CEOs, Lawyers, Coaches, Business Owners. They are driven by goals, competitions, recognitions. These are the Generals in the Army, VPs, and have their Escalades, Own Chaufer, Mercedes, H2 Hummers.

Their Strength are in Leadership, they get it done, goal oriented! Weakness
includes being Insensitive, hurt other people's feeling.

For them, "Show me the Money!" becomes Instant motivation and challenge.

Recommendation: Closed and Direct Approach

These are very good guide for those who wants to start anew with their business. Hopefully, this can be of help to some.


Saturday, November 14, 2009

A book from my beloved Friend

My love for books started when I was in high school. I remember being hooked in Nancy Drew series. I’d go to the library to borrow a book at a time, and go devour it at home and school. Nancy and I became fast friends *grin* Then I met the Hardy Boys! *wink* I fell in love with them too! *lol*

But that’s not really why I started this article. Just this morning, I was scanning things on my cabinet and I found this little book. It was a gift on one of my birthdays. What really touched me is the dedication by the sisters who gave me this nice book. I suddenly missed Sallie!

Sallie Rojas was one of my best friends way back elementary. When we met again during our youth, we became even closer. Inah easily became one of my close friends too. It was so sad that they had to go to the province and we had to part ways. Just this year, Inah and I bumped into each other once again after several years without any communication. It was so nice to see her again. I hope she gets the chance to read this one…

“Prayers for a Listening Heart” by Paul Castley… What’s so special with this book? It is a healing and soothing book about people who have stories to tell, and the people who listen to them. Browsing back, I found several highlighted lines I’d like to share with you now, and I quote them below…

1. If we have a compassionate heart and an ability to listen we’ll have a lot of the sorrows of the world poured out upon us. This will stir up all sorts of feelings within us. We needn’t be afraid of the fact that these feelings are there. We’ll be standing before God in our truth. Share them with God. Slowly, God’s word will come to us like the dawn from the East. If we don’t face our feelings and deal with them, they’ll burn us out.

2. Christ’s shoulders are strong enough to bear our anger. Tell God how you feel. That’s prayer. That’s communication. You can make decisions to use it wisely and well. Befriend anger and make it an instrument of love, not destruction. Stand close to others in their anger and hear the cry of pain behind it.

3. God is alive and well; and at work. We need to remind ourselves of that. Open our eyes to the lovely things that are happening.

4. In other situations it’s our own negative disposition that takes over. In times like this, take time to gaze at the crucifixion and let it touch us. Then we can follow Jesus to his resurrection and find hope and power to work for change.

5. Enable people to live through their pain. Let the heart pour out what’s bursting it with pain. The golden rule is “I’m not here to say, I’m here to listen.” Just listen and encourage others to express themselves.
6. We are convinced of it in our minds, but there are hidden depths of our being where we haven’t yet experienced that resurrection. It’s no good denying feelings of despair and hopelessness are there. We need to turn our focus onto the risen Christ.

7. There’s a need to celebrate our delight in our successes. It’s not conceit. If we can touch into our hearts at these times we’ll notice a contentment that’s worth enjoying. And it may be good to share our delight with someone.

As I go reminiscing, these wonderful teachings really remind me of my dear Sally. She had so much to share and yet she was gone so young. I just content myself with the thought that she is now face to face with God. I love you, Sally! You are gone but never forgotten!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Take Back Control of Your Health - Lyle Macwilliams

Optimal health is a lifelong commitment. That is one of the many things I learned from Lyle Macwilliams, author of the great book “Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements.” It is a comprehensive book that tackles human nutrition and on how it plays an important role in everyday life. It explains how we can increase the benefits we get from them by choosing the most effective available nutritional supplements to combine with balanced diet and exercise.

Prevention rather than cure, this is fast becoming my motto. And I can say I am privileged to experience this immediately. I easily catch colds during “colds season” but after carefully monitoring my diet, engaging some time in physical exercise and religiously taking the best multivitamin there is, USANA Essentials, together with the optimizer Proflavanol, I immediately noticed that I was spared of it for the last 9 months and counting! Isn’t it great?!
The best part of it is yet to come! Now we have this Greatest Hope that my family and I, who have been continuously taking these great nutritionals, would have a better future, longer life, happier and healthier life ahead! I truly hope that more people would know the true value of proper nutrition and optimal health!

More of Me

It has taken me a long time to start with this article about me. I seems like this is one of the most difficult ones I have to write. *lol*

Who am I? Well, to family and friends I am me. *grin* simple person with simple moods. Jolly, yes but silent sometimes, or is it most of the time? Friends, do help me here…

A shy person to strangers, but on happy times, can even become very friendly. Are you now getting more confused than ever?

Seriously now, for a long time, I have been a simple person with simple dreams. I think time and complacency has robbed me of my early BIG DREAMS. I was just getting by…Working and living for nothing. Not even for the future. Luckily HOPE came and I am now starting to dream more and more. So am I a dreamer now? Well, dreamer with goals and plans, yes. With the help of my new found friends and partner, life is getting more and more fun.

Getting curious now, eh? Don’t worry, I have some stuff here to share about my inspirations and my friends! I am still planning my journey to success, and you are all invited to come with me! This would be a lot of fun!
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